Sunday, September 21, 2014

NextGen Funding

 1) In 1-2 paragraphs, describe what NextGen is and when it will be implemented.

Nextgen is a satellite based form of aircraft GPS that will be implemented in Air Traffic Control beginning in 2018.  The sky's keep getting much more crowded year after year.  With NextGen a pilot will be able to see the exact location and altitude of traffic in the sky's.  It will allow for less separation in the sky's freeing up more direct routes and creating safer "highway" in the Sky's.
 2) Also discuss the impact of NextGen on both GA and commercial aviation (positives and negatives).

Positives of NextGen deployment will be managing the congested airspace more accurately and safely.  It will also give pilots an eye on where traffic is.  It will also save money by creating a more direct route.
Negatives are that all aircraft will be required to have an ADS B out which will cost money.  Also an ADS B reports everything to ATC in real time with identification, so if you do make a mistake you will be more likely to be caught.
 3) NextGen will cost a lot of money. This money will be obtained through fees/taxes. How do you think these fees/taxes should be applied and why?

I think that a good way to collect taxes and fees used to deploy NextGen would be through a tax on airline tickets and cargo/shipping tax.  A tax of just a few dollars per airline ticket wouldn't really affect passengers on a $300-$1200 ticket.  The tax wouldn't be noticed much.
 4) How will NextGen affect your career?

NextGen will make a career in dispatching a little easier. I think it would give the flight crew and the dispatcher more leeway to navigate around weather more efficiently due to separation minimums.



  1. I agree that NextGen will make it easier for dispatchers to plan and follow flights across the United States. Being in the dispatch program as well I am interested to see what effects NextGen will ultimately have from the dispatchers view. In regards to your suggestion of adding a tax onto airline tickets I think that could work as long as it does not make prices jump too high!

  2. I didn’t know ADS – B would make it more likely for people to get caught with their mistakes. How is that different from ATC radar right now? Aren’t those recorded?

  3. Some good info. Is getting caught for a mistake necessarily a negative?
