Monday, September 29, 2014

Corporate and Airlines

1) Describe the basic differences between the careers open to you at a corporate company vs. the careers available at the airlines. For flight students, this may be a little more straight-forward as you have heard speakers from both places. For management students, this may be a little more challenging  - for example, do corporate companies employ crew schedulers or dispatchers? What other positions may be open to you?

Some of the differences between corporate aviation and the airlines for dispatchers would be that airlines do have FAA licensed dispatchers, while corporate may just have a flight follower or no form of dispatch at all.  Management positions are always open in the airlines. They could include jobs such as managing flight attendants, ramp personnel, gate agents, and mechanics. 

2) The argument has been made that corporate aviation departments can actually save a company money. What is this argument based upon? Do you agree?

I think corporate aviation departments can save companies money by being able to fly executives and partners around in a minutes time notice.  It can also bring people to smaller places which a typical airline couldn't fly, which can save a company more travel expense.

3) Identify one corporate aviation department. Discuss details: Company, Location, Fleet size and make-up and hiring requirements for your given position (flight or management). Again, this may require some research beyond websites.

Amazon Prime Air Team.  Located in Seattle WA.  I noticed this on Indeed. "Amazon Prime Air is looking for flight operations and certification personnel for flight testing our UAS technologies. You can expect to collaborate on test plans, plan the test evolution, and execute the flights while working closely with our flight engineering and flight test teams in Seattle."  They are looking for an engineering degree but also want a pilot certificate and experience with flight test planning, coordination, and execution. 


Flight Operations Engineer - Prime Air

Explaining Why Your Company Relies on Business Aviation: Questions and Answers

Why Companies Utilize Business Aviation


  1. What an interesting job posting...kind of specific qualifications with an engineering degree and a pilot's license.

  2. I agree with your opinion as to being able to fly into smaller airports that normally airlines don't fly to directly or at all. If they do it might have 2 connecting flights in between. When utilizing your own aircraft and pilots a company can gain the advantage over the competition that has not spent money on that.

    There is a company in the Monroe area that operates a Citation and a another smaller aircraft (Do not remember the other plane, but it is smaller). They use these aircraft to pick up customers and bring them in to view their collection and as a sales pitch.
