Saturday, September 6, 2014

about me

Hi everyone,

I am a senior at EMU in the Aviation Management program.  I am taking 4 classes this semester and should have 4 more classes to go to graduate.   I always had a fascination with aviation ever since I could remember.  So I found the program at EMU and knew i had to enroll. I am taking the dispatch courses because I plan on using the certificate to pursue a career in aircraft dispatch.  I know a few people that are dispatchers for Kalitta Air and Delta Air Lines.  They seem to enjoy their career and like the ever changing atmosphere of the job.  Topics I follow in aviation are mainly airlines.  I am a subscriber to Air Transportation World and work for an airline.

1 comment:

  1. Wish I would have learned a little more about you in this intro, but I'm sure I'll learn more considering I have you in two classes this semester. It's great that you keep up with aviation news - Air Transportation World is a good source.
