Saturday, October 18, 2014

Norwegian Air International

Describe Norwegian Air International. Where is the company based? Where are the pilots based? Where are their destinations?
Norwegian Air International is registered in Ireland and has its head office in Dublin.  They operate Boeing 787 Dreamliner aircraft.  NAI hires Thai flight cabin crews.  The routes they fly are all over the world, including the US, Africa, Asia, and Europe.

Why are US carriers opposed to Norwegian Air International operating routes into the US?
The US carriers are opposed to NAI operating us routes because it creates unfair competition.  The whole airline including crews are basically outsourced.  Safety is also a major concern, that's because the lack of  the same regulation requirements the US airlines are held to.

The DOT recently denied the NAI request to operate into the US. On what premise? Do you agree with the decision? Why or why not?
Due to the complexity of the case it was denied.  I do agree with the decision to deny the request for operation into the US.  There are too many unanswered questions and too many people and major companies against them operating here.  By approving them at this very moment would have caused an uproar in the industry

If NAI is eventually granted permission to fly into the US, what ramifications, if any, do you believe this will have on the industry?
It could cause a lot of damage to the US airline industry, competition with these lower paid employees and lack of regulation can make it almost impossible for US airlines to compete.  US airlines would need to find a way to compete, which could lead to even more outsourcing in the industry.  

1 comment:

  1. You said that they hire Thai-based flight crews - do you know if they are Thai citizens or just based in Thailand?
