Sunday, December 7, 2014

Career View

My career aspirations have not changed since the beginning of the semester.  I still want to work in management or dispatch.

I don't think my career aspirations have changed because I have been set for a while on what I want to do.  I was very interested in ATC but I knew I was too old to begin a career with ATC.  The speakers were all very informative, and i learned a quite a bit about other areas in aviation that may be options.  I did like the Express Jet Pilot's information, even though I don't want to fly it was good information about pilot pay.  I always though it was much worse starting off, not just a one year pay.  I liked the stories on how a few of the speakers never even considered aviation as a career choice and either fell into it or changed areas of studies for it.

Four specific career goals in the next five years for me are:

1. Obtain my dispatch license
2. Take a leadership role at my current job
3. Get a job working in dispatch
4. Obtain a private pilot license